This morning I slept only a couple hours, a bit after noon. Waking up on the floor felt comfortable; the cold marble felt a bit warmer than my bed. The quarantine has officially gotten to me, even on days such as today, days overloaded with hours of staring at my laptop screen, being isolated in a foreign country with the only purpose of attending a zoom meeting, COVID-19 has hindered my routine.
What used to be simple: classes, exercise, and sleep; just no longer exists. I find myself awake all night, sleeping through the few classes I rarely attend. Even as I write this, I just realized I missed another one. This isolation has stripped all the work the past few years formed.

The one thought that keeps ringing, keeps surfacing is what if Corona doesn’t get me but it takes the life out of me. As each day ends and another begins it’s all become one massive haze with the only thing noticeable being a psychological degradation.
Quarantine needs to end, isolation needs to end, Corona needs to stop existing before there really isn’t anything left to get back to. The most tragic bit is that this the only constant thought I have had throughout quarantine.
By Hamza Abdulla,
Ankara, Turkey.