Sitting here completely blank and idle..thinking about what to do... These lockdown days are apparently bad for everyone but I like them, secretly. I know that in the future I would be saying that I miss this time. Being in my own bubble has always been a satisfying thing for me. I do miss going out with friends and meeting them but that is just a phase. Spending time all by myself, thinking about things good and bad both, over analyzing situations and what not; But the good thing is that all of that ends well. Looking at the sunrise and observing that how it takes merely a few seconds to lighten up the world ignites a hope that if this is done I CAN DO IT TOO. Fighting with siblings, talking to friends, reading, trying out new recipes, and doing tasks that I usually fail at, the day isn't very bad after all. The three P's to which life revolves: past, present, and making them perfect for future. Start the day by making it better than the previous ones, living the present to the fullest, and making it perfect? There is nothing such as perfect it what is within you, you create and you are your own definition of perfection.
By Hira Amjad,
Karachi, Pakistan.